I found it interesting to know that I can make my own Pecan facial scrub, so I was excited to try it out when I was sent the ingredients.
You can now make a simple Pecan facial scrub using three ingredients:
2 tablespoons of avocado
1 tablespoon of ground pecans
1 tablespoon of honey
1. Mix the honey and avocado together.
2. Add the ground pecans into the honey and avocado and mix together.
2. Add the ground pecans into the honey and avocado and mix together.
3. To apply facial scrub, gently massage mixture on your face in a circular motion, avoiding eyes.
When mixed really well, the ingredients become a well mixed smooth mixture. When I applied this to my face, gently applying it in circular motions it felt nice and when I washed it off my skin, my skin felt smooth and clean. A great homemade facial scrub!
I have one Pecan Facial scrub kit which includes a packet of pecans, mortar and pestle, a avocado and jar of honey. (CLOSED)
For your chance to win, let me know what your favourite facial product is at the moment, in the comments below.
Terms and conditions:
1. Open to Australian residents only.
2. Be a follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect
3. This giveaway finishes 12th of April 2012 at 10pm. (AEST)
4. Please ensure that you leave your email, so that I can email you if you are the winner.
5. Pecans will be sending out the prize.
Thanks to everyone who entered!
The winner is
Stay tuned for more great giveaways soon!