I am blessed

I am blessed!

I have so much to be thankful for!

Today I had my yearly checkup with my oncologist. My tenth annual check since being diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The tenth time that I've been scanned and questioned and prodded and poked and proclaimed cancer free.

And this time the doctor said that I don't have to come back anymore.

Let's just sit with that for a moment, shall we? My oncologist says that the risk of me suffering a relapse is so small that I no longer need to be under his care. That's pretty good news, right?

And you know what? I nearly didn't appreciate it.

I left the doctor's office thinking about how I had ticked another thing off my to-do list. 

"Attend annual check-up with oncologist. Check!"

And I turned my thoughts to what else I had to accomplish today.

And I allowed myself to feel a bit grumbly about this and that, and even to indulge in a bit of worrying...as mums do.

But then I stopped. And remembered...

What you think about and what you believe matters.

And I believe that I am blessed.

And I choose to focus on my blessings and be thankful.

So join with me in smiling. And thinking about what a wonderful day it is today. And what a wonderful thing it is to be alive in it!