The kitchen area can quickly become one of the dirtiest areas of the home, as preparing and eating meals often leaves behind dirty dishes, soiled countertops and a floor covered with crumbs. Often when grabbing a snack the box gets left behind on the kitchen table or counter, leading to clutter fairly quickly. By cleaning your kitchen regularly and tidying up as needed, you create a clean and inviting environment.
- Sweep your floors regularly and wipe down countertops and tables with a damp cleaning rag.
- Fill a spray bottle with 2 cups water, 1/2 cup white vinegar and 1 tsp. dish soap. Also, fill a bucket with 1 gallon water, 1 cup white vinegar and 2 tbsp. dish soap. The dish soap cuts through residue while the vinegar disinfects.
- Spray the cleaning solution onto cabinets, tables, counters, sinks, appliances and similar surfaces, and wipe off with a cleaning rag.
- Dip a mop into the bucket of cleaning solution, squeeze out the mop and wipe it over your kitchen floor. Allow the floor to air dry.
- Store all foods, snacks, pots and pans away in cabinets, drawers and your kitchen pantry. Keep similar items stored together for easy access, and put them away again after each use.